Conscious Living


Reset- Recharge- Revive

Reset- Recharge- Revive

Recharge Reset With Some Sleep

Our bodies matter. People can see how we take care of ourselves by looking at us. Our physical frames give our mind and spirit a home. They even give children home until they are strong enough to emerge from the womb.
From a spiritual perspective, our bodies are temporary homes. Your actions here and now affect the future. Discipline matters more than you think in your life. Fitness is still a significant component of a healthy and wealthy life.
The current culture tells us our jobs should be our priority. Physical care is good when things get in the way it gets cast aside. “Get it done at all cost.” “Whatever it takes.” “Man up.” To these cliche terms, we sacrifice our wellbeing and our sleep. We pull overnighters at work; stay up late at home; live on the run in hotels and airplanes.

Sleep is a reward.

When you sleep, you get to heal and restore your mind and body. You remove the worry and stress; you hit the reset button. Sleep for the brain is a built-in process for maintenance. The brain never sleeps.
The most complex organ goes into a self-cleaning mode. Everything gets back into place and cleaned up before business begins the next day.
You should enjoy it, be grateful for it, accept it. You’ve experienced the results when you lack sleep. Your heart races; head pounds; thoughts clouded; productivity, creativity, and patience tanks. We are never our best-selves when we sacrifice sleep.

Protect your sleep.

Your struggles are challenging, but the fight is worthy. Reducing sleep is not a responsible thing to do. Other people are relying on you to be at your peak performance. Not only your work, but your family, friends, and others you impact daily. You are designed to rest and know how much you need it.
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